Offshore Callcenter Group has a varied customer base. Our services can be applied to small businesses, freelancers, but also medium-sized companies and even multinationals. Below we have described 4 customer cases to give an idea of what we can do for you.
Case: Webshop for fashion and personal care products
Solution: Direct sales – outbound telemarketing
The use of direct sales channels for a starting webshop to create a robust customer base in the short term, with people who make at least a first order.
Achieve 1,000 orders per week within half a year, without giving the customer service department of this company extra work on our campaigns. Everything had to be clearly and well explained in the first contact moment.
By deploying multiple executive partners for outbound calls, it was necessary to establish a quality policy in a uniform manner. In addition, for us this was the first route where we have introduced a SMS validation for the payment authorization. As a result, the commitment of the new growth has improved considerably.
In a short time, we have allowed six different teams to place the product on the market in a uniform manner. Through internal and external quality systems, we have not only achieved an improvement in loyalty and customer satisfaction, but also a major leap forward in the experience and job satisfaction of the implementing parties. The target of a thousand orders per week was reached within 3 months.
Case: Total solution for telecom for companies
Solution: Lead generation and first-line reception, in as well as outbound telemarketing
Making appointments and managing calendars for the (field) account managers and in addition the first-line reception of incoming calls.
In addition to filling the account manager’s agenda, building a careful history for future contacts. Monitoring the service levels of the customer service and scaling up in case of crowds.
Creating a progressive database. Linked to the agendas of both the telemarketer and the account manager. Link the same person to incoming and outgoing calls as much as possible. By using a mature and stable team that is structurally trained, it became possible to book the appointments more specifically and tailor-made for the relevant account manager.
Increased effectiveness of the account managers, and a very positive contribution to the customer experience. The first contact was experienced as professional, and the account managers could come directly to the point because the most important inventory had already been recorded.
Case: Shopping at home via TV (DRTV)
Solution: Upscaling during and after commercials
Provide reception of incoming telephone traffic for a well-known producer of infomercials by flexibly scaling up at various locations using central monitoring.
At certain times a peak in telephone traffic was expected. For this our first team was ready to talk to the customers and to take orders. In addition, a peak could also occur at unexpected moments. That moment had to be taken care of in time to guarantee a service level of more than 95%.
In order to meet the unforeseen demand, it was important to train a large flexible team. To implement this efficiently, teams were trained at various locations. These were categorized according to skills to be switched on at the right time by means of call-blending. The first reception team was also trained to do up-selling on the incoming calls.
During the peak moments, incoming calls are diverted on average within twenty-four seconds to an employee with the right skills. The abandon rate was overall 1.8%.
Case: Publisher of collectors items
Solution: Approaching existing customers for new publishments
Offshore Callcenter Group helps an internationally operating publisher to regularly approach existing customers. These are alerted to new issues, collections or attributes. All focused on the personal interests of the respondent.
The challenge is to manage the cycle of customer contact so that there is no irritation, and that the interest remains focused on the new issues. In the event of dissatisfaction with the delivered products, this is immediately passed on to the service department. After success in Belgium, the campaign was slowly rolled out in different countries and languages.
It is a dynamic campaign in which new products are launched on a monthly basis. By training on a service-oriented attitude, the customer experience is central, with the commercial aspect not lost sight of. Some employees are now so specialized that they only contact the precarious highest segment of the collectors. In some cases we carry out unique campaigns with large volumes in a short term.
The sales targets have been achieved and the existing customers were activated. The customer base is approached on average twice a year, with the added benefit of being up-to-date. The executive teams continue to improve and grow: there are now 15 FTEs active for Belgium and more than 20 FTEs for Great Britain.
Grote Sloot 145, 1752 JK Sintmaartensbrug, The Netherlands
T +31 6 39 32 68 10