
>> Telemarketing

Generating new customers

We prefer to generate new customers for your company directly. We like that and we are good at that. Thanks to our years of experience, we know exactly how best to approach ex customers as well as active customers in your name by telephone. We are convinced of our expertise and that is why we often work with our clients on a no cure pay basis.

Take a look here for a number of OCG cases >>

>> Customer service

Optimal customer service experience

We handle the customer contact you achieve through various channels on behalf of your company. In addition to competent and well-trained agents, the following points are important for an optimal customer service experience.

  • Setting targets with respect to the average response time. This reaction time differs per channel (telephone, chat, social media, e-mail). Continuously monitoring and controlling is, however, of great importance for all channels.
  • We always advise our clients to send an automatic confirmation of receipt so that the customer who has contacted knows exactly what is expected of him/her.
  • The customer service agent will answer all questions in his/her first reaction at all times. If they are unable to answer immediately, he/she will indicate this and come up with a deadline when the customer can expect a substantive response.
  • After a customer is helped, we help to set up a follow-up action. With this we check whether the customer is satisfied. This will get you a lot of valuable information and a lot of goodwill with your customers.
  • Working efficiently and handling a maximum number of customer contacts per hour is important within our organization. Nevertheless, we prefer quality over speed. We know that a good answer which takes more time is always better than a quick bad answer. We help our clients to find the perfect balance in this.
  • We have customer service software. We have the right tools for setting up internal processes for our clients, with which we can confirm, trace, process and report all customer requests.

>> Training & coaching

Working within a contact center is not always easy. Making new contacts, analyzing customer needs, listening actively and creating the right ‘click’ are important skills that every agent must have.

Extensive program

We have an extensive program with which we teach employees to develop these capacities. We can also train your own people within your own contact center. Your wishes and the goals to be achieved are always central.

Up to date

In addition to an extensive training program for the agents, we ensure that our trainers stay up to date via frequent ”train the trainer” sessions.

Working at OCG? Look here for job openings>>

>> Listbroking

Experience & expertise

Listbroking is in a league of its own, which requires a lot of experience and expertise. Various factors are important for setting up a successful campaign. The selection of the right / best converting address is of great influence.

Within the Offshore Callcenter Group, Nico Hoogerwerf functions as an independent broker. Based on your briefing and our experience, we make a free and free campaign advice. This advice is 100% guaranteed independent, so always in your advantage.

Our ingredients for a successful campaign
  • We offer address files without any surcharge.
  • For each campaign we look for the addresses/leads with the best scoring opportunity and the optimal return.
  • We make maximum and intelligent use of behavioral files (mail order buyers, subscriber files, consumers with proven telemarketing affinity, etc.), survey files (respondents to questionnaires, both online and offline) and mass files.
  • If necessary and desired, we make selections based on segmentation or targeting.
  • In many cases, the purchasing power gives you a lower price.
  • You have access to all files/leads in the Netherlands, Belgium and other European countries, supplemented with expert advice on the various files and their typical properties.

Grote Sloot 145, 1752 JK Sintmaartensbrug, The Netherlands
E casper.pruijn@offshorecallcentergroup.com
T +31 6 39 32 68 10